Treatment for Male Infertility Due to Mumps (2025)

Mumps is a common and contagious viral infection that occurs between the ages of 2 to 12. But when it affects teenage boys or adult men, it can sometimes lead to a serious problem, infertility.
Mumps orchitis is particularly concerning because it can impair sperm production and damage the testes, potentially resulting in long-term infertility. Here it is explained what mumps is about and the treatment for this issue.

Mumps - A Brief Overview

Mumps is caused by the mumps virus, which primarily targets the salivary glands, but it can also affect other parts of the body. While it mainly affects children, adults can contract the virus too, especially if they haven’t been vaccinated.

The MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine has greatly reduced the incidence of mumps, but outbreaks can still occur in communities with low vaccination rates.

Reasons for Mumps

Infection by the Mumps Virus

The virus spreads through respiratory droplets, typically when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks. Direct contact with saliva from an infected person (such as sharing food or drinks) can also transmit the virus.

Lack of Vaccination

Individuals who haven’t received the MMR vaccine are at a higher risk of contracting mumps, especially in childhood.

Weakened Immunity

People with compromised immune systems may be more susceptible to infection, even if they’ve been vaccinated.

Symptoms of Mumps

If you’re affected by mumps, then men can witness a puffy appearance in the cheeks. Because the parotid glands near the jawline become swollen. Mumps symptoms usually appear 16-18 or from 20 to 25 days after infection. These are the possible symptoms.

  • High fever, weakness, and general discomfort.
  • Pain in the swollen area, especially when chewing or swallowing.
  • Headache and muscle aches.
  • Loss of appetite that decreases desire to eat.
  • Mumps can also lead to infertility issues, Orchitis in men (swelling of the testicles) and Oophoritis or Mastitis in females (swelling of the ovaries or breasts).

How Do Mumps Affect Male Fertility?

Orchitis, the inflammation of the testicles, is one of the most concerning complications of mumps in males, particularly for those who are post-pubertal (adults or adolescents).

Orchitis can occur in about 20-30% of males who contract mumps after puberty.

Testicular Atrophy is the condition, where the affected testicle may shrink and lose function. Orchitis can cause a decrease in sperm count, motility, and overall quality, leading to difficulties in conception.

Permanent Infertility: In severe cases, mumps-related orchitis can cause irreversible damage to the testicles, leading to infertility. The damage may be unilateral (one testicle) or bilateral (both testicles), with bilateral cases resulting in a higher likelihood of infertility.

Possible Conditions Caused by Orchitis

  • Testicular Damage: Swelling and inflammation can lead to long-term damage, including the scarring of tissues that can impede normal testicular function.
  • Impaired Hormonal Function: The inflammation can affect the production of testosterone, leading to hormonal imbalances.
  • Reduced Sperm Count: Orchitis can cause a reduction in the number and quality of sperm produced, which may make conception more difficult.

Diagnosis of mumps

Doctors prefer three different types of tests for diagnosing mumps, they are:

Physical examination

Experts evaluate your medical history and examine whether you had symptoms of mumps orchitis. Then, doctors will thorough check your physical health, they examine patient’s neck, testicles, and swelling in the face or neck/.

Blood Tests and Imaging tests

Doctors will collect a required amount of blood sample to check the damage because of mumps orchitis. Ultrasound with colour Doppler can easily show blood flow to the testicles. Imaging tests also help to assess testicular inflammation.

Treatment for mumps orchitis

Consulting the doctor is the first step that a man should take after being diagnosed with mumps orchitis. However, following these tips would give better relief for men.

They are:

  • Using over-the-counter pain relievers to reduce fever and manage pain.
  • Take extra bed rest and use an athletic supporter (scrotal support) to ease discomfort.
  • Men can use ice packs on the affected areas and effectively reduce pain and swelling.
  • Drink sufficient fluids and water for a speedy recovery.
  • Never miss any of your doctor appointments as they can monitor and help to manage the complications.

Ways to cope with infertility

Mumps orchitis affects testosterone levels and reduces the fertilizing ability in men. If this is your case, you can consult a fertility specialist to take sufficient tests to evaluate your fertility and reproductive health.

In general, men with mumps orchitis undergo artificial insemination treatments and counselling to cope with infertility impacts. Men with mumps orchitis may undergo Assisted Reproductive Technologies ARTs like In vitro fertilization or Intracytoplasmic sperm injection ICSI to become a parent.

Men experiencing orchitis due to mumps can seek medical advice such as counselling and exclusive therapies to overcome the emotional impacts of infertility.

Key takeaway

In conclusion, mumps can cause permanent infertility and other dangerous conditions such as testicular atrophy, hormonal imbalances, etc. However, there is no cure for this permanent condition, men diagonsed with this condition can effectively improve their reproductive health through the mentioned treatments.
Keep in mind that prevention is the key to win mumps, so take your vaccination properly and reduce the potential side effects of mumps orchitis. Make sure you follow the doctor’s advice and follow the tips properly.

People also ask

How do mumps lower testosterone levels?

Mumps orchitis can cause low testosterone levels, and the inflammation of testicular tissue affects the ability to produce testosterone. This leads to a condition called hypogonadism that causes the body’s sex glands to produce little or no hormones.

In addition, low testosterone can interrupt various health aspects including muscle mass, mood, energy levels, and sexual functions.

How long will it take to recover from mumps?

Currently, there is no immediate and complete cure for mumps. However, the infection may pass within one or two weeks. Get sufficient rest, drink plenty of fluids, and use doctor-prescribed medicines to ease the pain.

Treatment for Male Infertility Due to Mumps (2025)
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