The Memphis Press-Scimitar from Memphis, Tennessee (2024)

a a a a a a a a a MEMPHIS PRESS-SCIMITAR, Friday, October 25, 1957 PAGE 15 Probers Want To Call Atom Spies Eastland Group Seeks Greenglass, Gold For Hearing in Memphis Tuesday Two convicted atom Harry Gold have been called Internal Security Subcommittee Communist activity in the thru Wednesday in Memphis. The Justice Department decided yet whether or not it will release them from prison to testify, First witnesses Tuesday will be "volunteers," Kentucky Attorney General J. M. Ferguson, and A. Scott Hamilton of Louisville, county attorney of Jefferson County, They tell of Communist activity in Louisville.

20 Subpenaed Subpenas have been issued about 20 witnesses from Memphis, Nashville, Chattanooga, Louisville, St. Louis, Cincinnati, Knoxville and other cities. Sen. James O. Eastland Miss.) will preside over the hearings, which also may deal with the S.

space secrets. Greenglass and Gold were members of the spy ring which stole atomic data for the Russians. The ring was headed by Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, executed in 1953 for espionage. 'Ar subsequent hearings since their imprisonment in the Federal Prison at Lewisburg, the men have indicated they also gave guided missile and space secrets to the Russians. Gold got 30 years and Greenglass 15.

Rosenberg was chief inspector 33rd Degree For Corinth Duo The Press- Correspondent CORINTH, Miss. Orma R. Smith and William Doyle Young of Corinth will become 33rd Degree Mason in ceremonies tonight Mr. Smith Mr. Young In Washington, D.

where they are attending the biennial session of the Supreme Council of Scottish Rite. Mr. Smith, an attorney, has long been active in Masonic circles both locally and thruout. Mississippi. Mr.

Young, tax collector for Corinth, has served in many capacities in Coleman Predicts Schools' Demise Unless Constitution Is Rewritten By Associated Press GREENWOOD, Miss. Gov. J. P. Coleman said there will be no tax-supported schools in Mississippi within five years if Constitutional Convention is not called next year.

Under state law, Mississippi could abolish its public system if any attempt is made toward integration. In an interview after a series of talks in the city, Coleman said he wanted the Constitutional Convention for a complete new charter for industry, preservation of public schools and to prepare for the impact of civil rights legislation on the state. Coleman said he had no fears of a new Constitution being stricken by the U. S. Supreme Court, because the court could only pass on one section at time.

He said the convention could not be invalidated because of negro delegates, since the people would act on it and not the dele- gates. Council Booklet On Proposed Changes By United Press JACKSON, Miss. -The Mississippi Economic Council has out a booklet chuck full of proposed changes that could be made in a Constitutional Convention. Any of about 100 is enough to shake up the state. The MEC is not recommending all the changes.

It is merely throwing them out for consideration. Some are MEC policy. 13 at Parchman. Win Paroles Br Press United JACKSON. Miss.

The state Probation and Parole Board paroled 13 prisoners from Parchman Penitentiary, two of whom were serving life sentences for murder. They are Reuben Kemp serving life for murder from Lauderdale County; Charlie Davis life for murder from Wilkinson County; Robert Burrage, five for assault and battery with intent from Kemper. County. John 0. Cox, three years from Scott County for cattle theft; Leonard Seals, 20 years from Pearl River County for manslaughter; Clyde Howard MoCume four years from Hinds County for burglary; Walter Ford five years from Leflore County for arson.

James Moody, three years from Bolivar County for. burglary: J. W. Poe, three years for burglary from Noxubee County: J. D.

Suber, five years from Warren County for manslaughter: Herbert Williams, three years for burglary and larceny from Warren County. Rubber Workers Elect Taylor T. M. Taylor is the new president of the United Rubber Workers Local the Firestone plant. Clark, president sevTaylor Creorgo, W.

eral years. Taylor's ticket of officers and board members made a clean sweep, The Press-Scimitar was told. The Taylor ticket was an allwhite ticket, tho union membership is not. Officers elected with Taylor are: Prentis Lewis, vice president. R.

M. Hamby, secretary. S. D. Maddox, treasurer.

Seven directors and two policy committeemen on the Taylor ticket elected. 2700 votes cast on voting machines rented from the county were the largest in the history of the union's elections. Taylor won by 196 votes. Frayser to Face Traffic Headache When Frayser comes into the City of Memphis Jan. 1, there will be a new headache for residents-city police traffic tickets given out in Frayser.

Traffic Judge John Colton will tell members of Frayser Civic Club, meeting at Frayser Primary School at 7:30 tonight, about the traffic ticket setup, and what they can expect if they are cited to Traffic Court. Parnell Dwyer, president, said a kiddy band from Mrs. Fussell's Kindergarten will entertain. Saud May Add To His Wives By United Press BEIRUT, Lebanon. Muchmarried King Saud of Saudi Arabia, who is allowed four wives under moslem law and who has scores of children by them and his concubines, was reported to have matrimony in mind again.

A Beirut newspaper said Saud, who is in his middle 50s, plans to marry 16-year-old Ferial Al Solh, whom it did not otherwise identify. LO0K At the New Motorola TV At These Mississippi ABERDEEN Scrivener Radio AMORY. Store Jones Motor Co. ASHLAND Ashland Electric Co. BATESVILLE Batesville BELZONI Store BELMONT Tucker Digby Furn.

BOONEVILLE Booneville Tire Appl. Co. CARTHAGE Luke Furn. Co. CHARLESTON Rowland Hardware Co.

CLARKSDALE Sales Service Dodson Tire Co. CLEVELAND Little Store Modern Electronics 7-11 Tire Store COLUMBUS.A Co. Hardin Radio Appl. CORINTH Auto-Lec Store No. 70 B.

F. Goodrich DERMA, Furn. Co. EUPORA Gibson. Radio TV Prestage Furniture GREENVILLE Bryan Wilson Tire Co.

Rosella's Appliance Co. GREENWOOD B. F. Goodrich Co. Delta Radio TV GRENADA Freeman Tire Supply HICKORY FLAT Taylor Electric HOLLY SPRINGS Bill Bryant Elec.

Co. HOUSTON Harrington Sales Corp. INDIANOLA Crosley Home Appl. IUKA Juka Bldg. Supply Co.

A Dacus Furn. Co. KOSCIUSKO Faulkner Furniture Co. Landers Furniture Co. Morris Chapman Supply LAMBERT Hood Furniture Co.

LELAND Fred Abide Furn. Co. Triangle Service, Inc. Bryan Wilson Tire Co. LOUISE Easy LOUISVILLE King's Economy Auto Store MABEN Bishop Electric Co.

Pop's Furniture Co. Senter Appliance Co. MERIGOLD Clark Drug Store NETTLETON Flurry Furniture Co. NEW ALBANY Runnel's Home Auto OKOLONA New Deal Grocery OLIVE BRANCH K. M.

Stallings PHILADELPHIA Philadelphia Furniture Exchange PONTOTOC Browning Furn. Co. McClure Turner Equipment Co. RIPLEY Ripley Tire Appl. Co.

RULEVILLE Ruleville Hdwe. Co. Tranum Parts SARDIS Logan Radio TV Service SENATOBIA Furniture Co. Joe E. Johnson Appl.

SHELBY Watson Radio Service STARKVILLE Greer Home Auto TISHOMINGO W. H. Fairless Furn. Co. TUPELO City Tire Store Lee Radio TV VARDAMAN Anglin Sales Co.

WATER VALLEY Valley Radio TV Co. WEST Tate General Mdge. WEST POINT Ramsey Tire Store Winona Home Auto Co. TAZ0O CITY B. F.

Goodrich Co. Arailable At Leading Dealers in Memphis and thronghont Arkansas, Missouri and Tennessee Bank Robbers Use Planes Planned Intricate Air Maneuver By Associated Press TAMPA, Fla. Two bandits, using a fast shuttle of planes and autos, robbed the First Bank of Fort Meade of $26,657 at gunpoint. Sheriff Ed Blackburn said Irvin Suits, 26, arrested in a carl mishap, admitted he took: part in the holdup yesterday and named Donald J. Thompson, 32, as his companion.

Thompson, arrested at Tampa International Airport, denied any knowledge of the crime. Suits confessed after several hours of questioning and identification by three witnesses that he and Thompson had planned the holdup and practiced the plane maneuvers. The money had not yet been recovered. Thompson is a pilot for a Tampa construction firm. He was arrested as he returned a Cessna airplane belonging to the firm and matching the description of one used by the bandits.

Suits, a Tampa airplane broker, was picked up after his car was involved in an accident in In the car were two pairs of coveralls similar to those worn by the robbers. Two planes were involved--the Cessna and an Aeronca stolen at Gilbert Field in Winter Haven by one of two men who flew to EASY WASHER DRYER COMBINATION ONLY 27 INCHES WIDE Fits in Kitchen, Bathroom or Under Stairs EASY to Wash With EASY Combination Washer-Dryer WASHES Then Dries A Full Load $47995 Less Liberal Trade-In Includes Normal Wiring, 27 In. Wide Installation and 1-Year Only Service. Check with PEEVEY Before You Buy Furniture FREEMAN Appliance Co. 545 E.

Mallory at Lauderdale Ph. WR 8-2664 the field in the Cessna. Apparently the men separately flew the planes to a small field at Plant City, went together in the Aeronca to Fort Meade, returned to Plant City after the holdup, left the Aeronca there and flew the Cessna back to Tampa, Short-Lived Freedom Charles Richard Wright, 19, of 4025 Ward, under local burglary indictment but out on bond, was re-arrested today and turned over to the sheriff at Selmer, who had two burglary warrants for him. Rhythm-Step Shoes ROBT. S.

LOVE SHOES, Inc. 83 Union -David Greenglass and to testify at the Senate hearings concerning South, scheduled Monday for the Army Signal Corps which was experimenting with guided missiles in 1947. Gold and Greenglass never have been questioned publicly on this possible phase of the spy ring's activities. Open to Public The hearings will be open to the public in the federal courtroom, Main Post Office building. Sen.

William E. Jenner Ind.) said he would attend Clellan said hearings, but Sen. John L. Mics could not. Sen.

McClellan is tied up in labor rackets hearings now. The senators will be accompanied by Robert Morris, chief counsel; G. Sourwine, counsel, and Ben Mandel, director of research. Last week the subcommittee placed in its official records a statement relating to the satellite and plane secrets which it said was based on Mandel's interview with Greenglass and Gold. Mandel's report said, "Rosenberg also mentioned to Greenglass the atomic airplane.

No nation has yet announced the development of an aircraft. Why Delta Scouts Seek $73.959 Minimum Sum For Adequate Program Special to The Press- -Scimitar CLARKSDALE, -Volunteer workers soon will launch the annual finance campaign for Delta Area Council, Boy Scouts. Goal of the workers in 12 Northwest Mississippi counties will be $73.959, the grand total of the 1958 budget approved by the Council's executive board. Two counties. Leflore and Coahoma- -will conduct United Givers Campaigns and in six communities Greenville, Indianola, Moorhead.

Inverness, Drew and Scott--Scout funds will be raised during Community Chest fund-raising efforts. In all other Council areas, separate Scout drives will be conducted. The $73,959 asked will be used primarily to maintain a professional and clerical staff to serve the expanding Council program. The Council now employs a Scout executive, an assistant executive and four field representatives, with the assistant Scout executive also doubling as a field representative. The Council hopes to add a fifth full-time field representative next year, In addition, to carrying on functions required by the National Scout Council, Delta Council must employ a bookkeeper, a registrar and a secretary.

Salaries of the staff, travel expenses of field representatives and retirement a and social security insurance for the Council entire staff require $59,349. Maintaining the Council office costs additional $1920, for rent and an utilities. Other expenses provided in the budget: office and postal supplies, $2100: publicity, $250: camp operations, ship training and conferences, $1600; national quota, $900: finance campaign, $1250; insurance, $1920; awards supplies furnished, $1500; bank exchange, $150; special activities and anmeeting, $550; office equipment, $300; telephone and telegraph, $1000 and miscellaneous. $150. Dr.

C. R. Sayre, Council president, in announcing plans for the finance campaign said the executive board felt its budget was a realistic approximation of Council needs and that the total represented the minimum sum needed if Scouting is to function efficiently and render service to the young people of the area, sale, and to readvertise the property sale. Louis E. Howell.

Assistant Regional LEGAL NOTICE TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Office of Assistant Regional Commissioner, Alcohol and lanta, Tobacco Ga Date Internal of publication, Revenue October 25. Service, At1957. Notice is hereby given that one 1948 Chevrolet Sedan, Motor No. accessories; one Briggs-Stratton canoline engine. Serial No.

742127, Model No. with Meyers water pump; one Brizesstratton gasoline with engine, Serial No. 605615, Model No. No. 6FB.

766; and one Homart water hand-operated pump. Tokheim pump, no serial number, will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder cash, In open competitive bids. at Terminal Warehouse Sales, Jackson, 1957, Tennessee, pursuant at 10:00 to forfelture under 26 a.m. on November Section 7325 Right reserved to reject and all bids, to declare "no any for Commissioner. CRANE Glass Lined Water Month $5 Heater 10-Year Guarantee Saturday tions, Too, Installa8495 At No Extra LICENSED Charge PLUMBERS No Money Down! No Credit Delay! Installed In 2 Hours Hill PLUMBING COMPANY 549 S.

Cooper BR 8-6765 24-HOTR SERVICE MOTOROLA TV SWIVELETTE WITH 3 BIG NO SPEAKERS FOR MONEY ALL- AROUND SOUND! DOWN With Trade 21" SWIVELETTE 263 Sq. Inch Viewable Area NOW ONLY 239 95 With Trade Model 21CB OPEN NITES 'TIL 9 layaway 8 APPLIANCES 1160 Bellevue at McLemore WH 6-2531 FREE PARKING IN OUR BIG LOT NEXT TO FOOD CENTER ONLY MOTOROLA TV GIVES YOU ALL THESE FEATURES FOR UNDER $300! Never before so many important in one fine set 1-0 3 mounted at front and on both sides in Speakers-All-Round-Sound. Three big matched speakers Swivelette fill room with sound. Exclusive Tube Sentry. Triples TV life expectengineered to eliminate 3 out of 4 service calls.

ancy IT SWIVELS TUN Set turns either way to give you fullIt Swivels. front viewing anywhere in the room. FINISHES. Luxurious, rich-grained, handWOOD rubbed cabinets in Mahogany or Blond Oak finish. Power Chassis with Picture Pilot.

On-Off. Turns the Gives the sharpest, brightest -picture picture and in sound come on just the way you left them. TV. Touchbutton set on- Cascode Tuner. "Zeroes in" each channel fine Signal clear.

Master Aluminized Picture Tube. overall diag and onal, 263 sq. in. viewing area. Here's TV that looks and sounds expensive.

But isn't! In fact, this brand-new, feature-filled '58 Motorola set is selling for less than other brands' marked-down, year-old models. The look of luxury MOTOROLA Brand A Brand Brand Brand centers around the gleaming front appointments and metallic FEATURES Swivelette TV $319.95 $299.95 $299.95 $279.95 for grille treatment -all highlighted by brass-tipped legs. Model 21C8. YES. No No Yes Feature over-all diagonal picture tube with 263 sq.

in viewing area. Swivel No No Never before so much value for this low price 3-Speaker Tube Touchbutton Sentry On-Off. YES. See how Motorola's New Shorty Picture N8 Mahogany Thin Line Styling. Oak finish Color 4-Wafer Aluminized 20.000-Volt TV Cascode Tube.

Hi-Voltage Picture Tube No Yes. Yes. Yes all Swivelette others, of regardless outscores $23995 Slightly 95 higher finish in Horizontal Chassis Average East and Mites ent South and Manufacturer's suggested list price. Specifications subject to change without notice. UHF More to enjoy from MOTOROLA LA World's Largest Exclusive Electronic Manufacturer MOTOROLA DISTRIBUTED BY MILLS-MORRIS APPLIANCE DISTRIBUTORS 400 S.

FRONT JA 6-8391.

The Memphis Press-Scimitar from Memphis, Tennessee (2024)
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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.