Farm Equipment Dealer Locator | TractorHouse Europe (2025)

Farm Equipment Dealer Locator | TractorHouse Europe (2025)


What company sells the most farm equipment? ›

Revenue of the world's largest farm machinery manufacturers 2022. With revenue streams of around 35.4 billion U.S. dollars, Deere & Company was the world's largest farm machinery manufacturer in 2022, ahead of CNH Industrial and Kubota.

What is the oldest farm equipment? ›

5500 BC. The first plows were forked sticks that Sumerian farmers would drag through the dirt to form a trench in which to plant their seeds.

What is the most profitable item to farm? ›

Dubbed "red gold", saffron's high market value makes it arguably the most profitable agricultural crop. Though it requires careful cultivation, the potential profits per acre are unmatched, highlighting its viability for small farms looking to maximize their earnings.

What is the richest farm company in the world? ›

The United States of America-based Cargill Inc is the leading agricultural products company in the world (by revenue). The company reported revenues of $114,600 million for the fiscal year ended June 2021 (FY2021).

What brand was the first tractor? ›

Surviving records indicate the Charter Gas Engine Co. built the first tractor in 1889. This first design utilized the wheels and transmission from a steam traction engine and combined them with a single-cylinder petrol engine manufactured by Otto.

What is the oldest tractor company still in business? ›

This distinction goes to (drum roll) Beretta of Italy, since 1526. The second oldest machinery company still in operation is Klett, from 1578, in Germany. Surprisingly, they are also in the firearms business! What did farmers use before tractors?

What is the biggest farm machine? ›

  • Big Bud 16V-747: The World's Largest Tractor. The Big Bud 16V-747 is an iconic machine in the world of agriculture. ...
  • Big Bud 950/50. ...
  • ACO 600 Oubaas. ...
  • MeriCrusher MT-700. ...
  • Big Bud 740. ...
  • Case IH Steiger/Quadtrac 715: The Modern Marvel. ...
  • Fendt 1167 Vario MT. ...
  • Big Bud 650/50.
Mar 25, 2024

Which company sells the most tractors? ›

John Deere- In business since 1837, John Deere is the largest tractor manufacturer in the world. It is also considered a cultural icon. According to a 2021 Progressive Farmer Reader Insights survey, it enjoys any brand's highest customer loyalty rating. As they say, “Nothing runs like a Deere.”

What are the highest grossing farm products? ›

List of most valuable crops and livestock products
Crop or LivestockGlobal gross production value in billion US$Country with highest gross production value in billion USD
Chicken, meat$192$27.4 (United States)
Maize (corn)$191$61.2 (Mainland China)
Wheat$168$50.7 (Mainland China)
Soybeans$107$40.7 (United States)
46 more rows

What are the top 3 farm products? ›

Cattle and calves, corn, and soybeans are the top three U.S. farm products.

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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

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Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.