Characterization and recycling of organic waste for agricultural use (2024)

Turning your waste and by-products into added value for agriculture

Organic waste originates from agriculture, the agri-food industry and urban development. It takes a variety of forms: green waste, sewage sludge, effluents from livestock farming and the agro-industry, household waste, etc. It involves management costs for producers, companies and local authorities and represents an environmental risk that is often poorly controlled. Even after use, this waste has a complex composition, some elements potentially harmful. Others, under controlled conditions, are of interest because they are rich in minerals or nutrients that can be used by agriculture.

Our expertise enables you to validate the ways in which your waste streams can be recycled for agricultural use, as well as control the processes in conjunction with local and regional players. To do this, we:

  • identify the properties and agronomic qualities of your residues;
  • direct the treatment process and technical requirements in line with regulations;
  • ensure the nutritional quality and bioavailability of the resulting product for crops;
  • optimize the profitability of production flows within the farm and in conjunction with local players to ensure a multi-scale environmental impact;
  • raise awareness of environmentally hazardous waste management (link to the dedicated sheet).

When this waste cannot be recycled in the agricultural sector, other pathways can be explored, in particular:

  • extraction of certain compounds of interest for nutrition and functional cosmetics (link to the Extraction of compounds of interest sheet);
  • energy provision for the needs of production units and towns.

Development stage

Expert resources to support waste recovery

This expertise aims to support the creation of recycling channels with a controlled environmental impact and:

  • enjoys state-of-the-art analysis laboratories in France,Montpellier and Reunion Island;
  • benefits from experimental sites in Réunion Island and Senegal;
  • relies on proven indicators;
  • develops dedicated decision-making tools;
  • collaborates with scientific and technical institutes in tropical regions and a wide range of private companies including Invivo, SNF, Runéo, Albioma, Animine, Véolia etc.

Recycling and recovery: you're concerned!

All human activity produces waste, which can ultimately represent "added value", particularly in agriculture. However, because of the multiplicity and complexity of residual waste, there is a close link between the recovery of waste from a farm or production unit and the management of this resource and its recovery at a local level. From the micro to the macro-economic scale, the Recycling and Risks research unit creates interactions between project owners, local authorities and waste reprocessing plants

For producers and processing plants

This expertise strengthens partnerships with a view to finding virtuous waste management cycles. Raw materials from agriculture are used to design new products, and the waste from this processing in turn returns to the land to boost the productivity of partner farms. The aim is to control waste management costs in a spirit of circular economy and health safety.

For territories and waste treatment specialists

They benefit from our knowledge of tropical value chains and waste streams to better identify logistics needs and support virtuous players in this circular economy dynamic. Generally acting in the interests of local citizens, they are able to demonstrate the environmental and socio-economic benefits of their waste management and their support for agriculture that limits the use of chemical fertilizers.

To collaborate or learn more about waste recycling

Contact our services to discuss your issues and needs, in compliance with confidentiality rules. Here are a few examples of our services.

Need to train your teams? The unit develops standard or à la carte professional training modules in its areas of expertise and know-how. On simple request, the unit's training manager will work with you to find the most appropriate solution based on the participants' skill level, interests and needs.

Training courses can be held in France or the tropics, and external funding can be sought jointly. The unit has already coordinated a number of training courses for professionals from different backgrounds.

The research team: agricultural, industrial and urban development is leading to the production of an ever-increasing variety and quantity of organic matter. As a result, society is increasingly demanding that this organic matter be recycled for agricultural and energy purposes. But it's not so simple to implement... or risk-free. The 'Recycling and Risk' unit is seeking to propose solutions with a controlled environmental impact for the recovery of all this organic waste.

References and intellectual property


Angel Avadía, Pierre Benoit, Matthieu N.Bravin, Benoit Cournoyere, Frédéric Feder, Wessam Galiae, Patricia Garnier, Claire-Sophie Haudin, Samuel Legros, Laure Mamy, Sylvie Nazarete, Dominique Patureau,Valérie Pot, Laure Vieublé Gonod, Tom Wassenaar, Emmanuel Doelsch, 2022. Trace contaminants in the environmental assessment of organic waste recycling in agriculture: Gaps between methods and knowledge. Advances in agronomy, 174: p. 53-188.

Dollinger J., Bourdat-Deschamps M., Pot V., Serre V., Bernet N., Deslarue G., Montes M., Capowiez L., Michel E.. 2022.Leaching and degradation of S-Metolachlor in undisturbed soil cores amended with organic wastes. Environmental Science and Pollution Research,29: p. 20098-200111.


Bijon N., Wassenaar T., Junqua G., Dechesne M.. 2022.Towards a sustainable bioeconomy through industrial symbiosis: Current situation and perspectives. Sustainability,14(3) : 26 p.


Avadi Tapia A.D., Hodomihou N.R., Amadji G.L., Feder F.. 2021.LCA and nutritional assessment of southern Benin market vegetable gardening across the production continuum. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment,26: p. 1977-1997.


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Characterization and recycling of organic waste for agricultural use (2024)
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