Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card Arc, Vol. 14 (2024)


279 reviews5 followers

January 7, 2024

Sometimes I wonder if CLAMP just looks at something that is near perfect (not entirely because wow they really have a teacher/student romance problem yikes) and goes, hmmmm. How can we complicate things? Because that's what they've done with Clear Card.

Don't get me wrong: I'm enjoying the hell out of this series. But there are just some things, especially in this volume, that don't make sense. Maybe it will become clear in the next volume (which I hope is the final one) or maybe I've just missed picking up on queues — I don't know. But I left this volume far more confused that I've left previous volumes, and while I know I can go look it up online to find out what's going on, I'm determined to not do that this time.

I did, however, quite enjoy seeing Yue and Ruby Moon together. Gosh, I love them.


Cristina Bermúdez

461 reviews91 followers

July 7, 2023

Siempre disfruto mucho perderme entre las páginas de Sakura. Disfrutar de esta historia me regresa a mi infancia, a la magia e inocencia de la primera vez que vi la serie, por eso me encanta poder continuar leyendo tan maravillosa historia.
Cap. 75


1,536 reviews1 follower

April 9, 2024

I…what did I just read? No, seriously, what happened? There was a play and magic happened but I’m so confused as to what happened as a result of that magic? There’s all this talk about how powerful Sakura is and if her real power awakens she won’t be able to control it but then nothing happens with that line of thought.


76 reviews2 followers

August 8, 2024

la verdad no se para donde vaya a ir esto, me da miedo, genuinamente no quería que le roben los recuerdos a sakura, no me hubiera parecido justo, de igual forma todavía no lo sabe, me quedan dos tomos u tengo el corazón en la bocaa

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.


492 reviews2 followers

December 16, 2023

Things finally culminated. I'm very much like wtf. I think there are 2 more volumes left in the manga, but sadly not out yet in English.


Ana Maria

163 reviews1 follower


June 25, 2023

pueden decirme por favor que pretende este hombre ya? no pido tanto

Kastie Pavlik

Author6 books42 followers

December 8, 2023

What did I just read? I mean, I know what I just read, but what the heck just happened? ┐(´д`)┌

I felt both lost and stagnant in 13, yet said I couldn't go lower than 5 stars because I love Sakura that much and it was still so cute. I'm actually tempted to 3 star this because there's a lot happening, too much to be super cute, and it's so confusing. But again, even though I'm lost, the art is phenomenal and gorgeous to look at. I mean, it's art. Simply looking at it is a joy. And we're definitely not stagnant. A whole lot just happened. A whole lot of emotional lot just happened. Can I specifically tell you what happened? Nope. No. Nope. But I had a lump in my throat nonetheless.

(ಠ_ಠ)━☆゚.*・。゚ magic happened.

And then big big big big changes happened. I'm not sure how I feel about these big big big big changes. I'll get at least one, if not two, more volume (s) to figure it out I guess.

Nope. No. Nope if this was the end, I wouldn't be happy with it. I don't like it. About that ending...

So basically, I understand what's going on in the book, but it doesn't seem to translate well in static panels. I think this story is so convoluted and/or complicated that it really needs animation to show it properly. Or something. I'm not sure what the issue is, but if you show this action happening in a page and then have another character explicitly say "this is literally what just happened" a few pages later so the reader can have an idea of what they just saw, there's something off with the story or pacing or the storytelling.

I love having Sakura back. And I hate how critical I feel toward this volume and the story looking back after reading this volume. This idea should have been released as a movie and then they could have released a manga based on that movie so the publishers can make their money and us bibliophiles can have our books. I really hope it all makes sense in the end, but given the glacial pacing of 1-13 only to have everything dropped on us all at once in 14, I'm not so sure what's going to happen next.

    cute fairytale-esque fantasy
December 3, 2023

Alors que le dernier chapitre vient de paraître au Japon et qu’on sait désormais que la série fera 16 tomes, les Clamp nous offrent ici une maestria graphique de toute beauté autour du thème des contes et histoires pour enfants. A défaut d’être profond, ce fut magnifique !

Le défaut de cette série depuis ses débuts, c’est que les autrices l’ont fait dans un but commercial et donc qu’elles ne savaient pas trop où elles allaient et ne proposaient pas forcément un message qui leur tenait à coeur comme autrefois. Mais la qualité aussi du titre depuis ses débuts, ce sont ses multiples mystères qui titillent notre curiosité et la beauté des planches leur faisant écho.

Dans cet antépénultième tome, elles tentent de nous apporter la lumière qui nous faisait défaut jusqu’à présent, mettant en marche les rouages vers la résolution de l’intrigue. Cela reste confus, incertain, mais il y a aussi un réel plaisir à voir peu à peu de petits éléments éclairer l’ensemble. J’ai ainsi pris beaucoup de plaisir à découvrir le plan complexe de Kaito visant à soulager et protéger Akiho en se sacrifiant. Comme attendu, c’est poignant.

Mais plus que ce plan, c’est la mise en oeuvre graphique de l’univers imaginé par les autrices qui m’a émerveillée ici. Cela va des décors gothico-merveilleux remplis d’ombres faites de dentelles, en passant par les costumes des personnages rappelant la littérature enfantine du XIXe-XXe, jusqu’à l’ambiance ésotérique qui se confond avec la magie du merveilleux des contes. Splendide ! J’ai été totalement immergée dans la beauté des planches et je pense avoir passé plus de temps à les admirer qu’à réellement lire ou suivre l’histoire.

De plus, il se dégage un superbe atmosphère mélancolique et poignante dans ce tome basé sur les secrets et non-dits des adultes. Sakura ne sait pas tout le chemin qu’elle doit parcourir pour maturer ses pouvoirs. Akiho ignore même qu’elle est au centre de tout cela. Shaolan est carrément instrumenté par son camp / sa famille. Les cartes ne sont ainsi que le reflet de la naïveté de ces enfants qui apprennent à grandir dans le flou le plus total, comme nous dans la vie. La poésie métaphorique qui se dégage donc de la situation est belle. Le jeu des miroirs et des dupes est émouvant, et encore plus quand il est percé. Cela reste extrêmement tarabiscoté mais on ne serait pas dans un titre de Clamp si ce n’était pas le cas.

J‘ai en tout cas aimé suivre notre Alice et son chat dans le Royaume revisité de la Reine de coeur. J’ai aimé le rôle joué par les cartes et Shaolan dans la création de l’ultime carte résultant du dernier souhait altruiste de Sakura. Les adultes ont beau rester à l’extérieur et sembler manipuler leur monde, ils se comportent en fait en protecteurs qui observent de loin leur progéniture grandir et les laissent faire, un beau message. L’aventure se poursuit donc avec beauté et émotion et j’ai très hâte de poursuivre pour découvrir le message final.

Avis complet : https://lesblablasdetachan.wordpress....

    amour aventure conte


379 reviews

December 14, 2023

Beautiful artwork as usual, we're finally entering the final stages of the novel. I honestly thought that this was going to be the final volume and that is not the case. I love the costume designs used for the play they are doing. Tomoyo the queen of costumes. I really can't do review for Manga, especially 14th without spoilers, so yeah.

Yuna trading magical items with Akiho makes sense, Yuna trying to make sure Akiho is safe makes sense. But suddenly rewriting people's storylines, I feel like that is going to cause a lot of problems, which is why we have the next book I'm sure. I feel kind of worried about how this series is going to end at this point and I really hope that it doesn't tarnish the entire CCS series for me. It's not like it's the worst thing ever that Akiho is now Sakura's sister. It's just weird. I always loved the fact that Sakura only had her older brother and dad. Having a twin sister? I just don't know how I feel about that. I'll have to wait for the 15th volume to decide!

I liked both Syaoran's and Mirror's companionship to Sakura to help save not only her but also Akiho. Syaoran and the Mirror Clow Card teaming up is just perfection. It's so obvious how much the clow cards so desperately love Sakura to the point that they are not allowed in Kaito's landscape because they could prevent his plans. Sakura's love is always so appreciated, she will do anything to save her friends and family. It's so heartwarming.

Scratch volume 15 being the final, now there will be a 16th volume? I'm really starting to worry about this because this volume was really confusing. Hopefully it gets better.

Harumichi Mizuki

1,991 reviews81 followers

April 2, 2024

Ternyata penyebab Syaoran tak bisa menyentuh Sakura adalah mantra ibunya. Tujuannya agar Syaoran bisa membedakan mana Sakura yang asli dengan Mirror yang menyaru sebagai Sakura.

Yuna sendiri menyaru sebagai Syaoran dengan kekuatan Mirror Clear Card. Ia membawa Sakura pada Akiho yang lupa namanya dan hanya menyebut dirinya sebagai Red Queen. Bahkan Sakura pun melupakan namanya kalau saja Syaoran yang asli tak datang dan memanggilnya.

Dunia Clockland rupanya adalah dunia berisi buku dan segala sihir yang tersimpan dalam diri Akiho. Semua itu menyita tempat hingga Akiho terancam kehilangan jiwanya sendiri. Sakura yang menyadari itu pun berharap dirinya bisa menggantikan Akiho berperan sebagai Red Queen.

Keinginan itu terkabul dengan terciptanya kartu Exchange. Itulah kartu yang ditunggu-tunggu Yuna. Dengan menggunakan kartu itu, Yuna menulis ulang catatan kehidupan Akiho dan mengambil alih peran sebagai penyimpan sihir dengan mengorbankan dirinya.

Kini di dunia yang sudah ditulis ulang, Akiho terlahir sebagai saudara kembar Sakura sedangkan Yuna menghilang. Ada segel yang dipasangkan pada Yuna oleh kelompok sihir Eropa. Segel itu akan aktif jika Yuna menyalahgunakan Akiho sebagai artifak sihir.

Sakura lalu bermimpi didatangi kembali oleh sosok berjubah misterius. Rupanya sosok itu bukan Akiho melainkan ibunya yang sudah melintasi waktu dan mimpi untuk berbicara dengan Sakura. Lilie memberi tahu Sakura soal kehidupan yang sudah ditulis ulang itu. Ia memberi petunjuk pada Sakura bahwa Akiho kini telah kehilangan orang yang paling berharga (Yuna).



174 reviews9 followers

February 28, 2024

2 stars - ... What is going on??? The original Cardcaptor Sakura series is one of my very favourite manga and anime adaptions so, naturally, I was beyond excited to hear there were going to be more stories and adventures with slightly older characters. But this Clear Card series is just so confusing. Besides the convaluted storyline and never getting any clear answers until book 14 (seriously???), there are panels that feel completely disjointed and don't clearly show what is going on. I kept flipping back and forth to understand how Syaoran arrived on pages 78-79, how Yue started talking to Ruby Moon and Toya on pages 59-61, and what happened to Kaito on the final few pages in the manga. I don't even think rereading the whole series in one go will help with this, it just seems to be how CLAMP operate since Tsubasa, and it's so frustrating!

Hopefully, the final few manga will give us the full explanation on just wtf has been happening this whole time.


455 reviews2 followers

July 8, 2024

On se rapproche de plus en plus du final (et même si j’adore Sakura, il est temps !)

Cette fois nous sommes embarqués dans un monde parallèle, celui d’Alice au Pays de l’Horloge, où Akiho et Sakura semblent coincées.

On en découvre davantage sur le plan final de Kaito qui a récupéré la magie d’Akiho pour la protéger mais aussi pour utiliser une nouvelle carte créé par Sakura, qui souhaitait échanger sa place avec Akiho pour la protéger.

Shaolan est également présent sous le rôle du Chat qui guide Sakura.

Sakura semble développer de grands pouvoirs mais on en sait pas beaucoup plus.

Kaito lui a réécrit l’histoire, et Sakura et Akiho sont retournées dans un monde complètement réécrit.

Ça devient un peu tordu mais je suis curieuse de connaître la fin de cette histoire.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

Chris Lemmerman

Author7 books109 followers

December 18, 2023

Okay, we're getting somewhere. I'm not sure where, but we're getting somewhere, and that's more than the last few volumes have had going for it.

I always appreciate some Alice In Wonderland imagery, but having two Lis doesn't help matters, nor does assuming we all remember what his mom looks like. And just as it seems like we're about to get some solid answers, the volume ends. God damn it.

Hopefully the ending is worth all this meandering about; at least we're heading in the right direction again. And of course, the art's still very pretty, even when the story's indecipherable.


Erin Allen

119 reviews

December 30, 2023

Finally! The Alice in Wonderland story is over. I considered rating this volume down a little just because in the big finale fight, things got a bit confusing. However, it's supposed to be a bit confusing anyway considering there are two cats, two Alices and we're still trying to figure out motives, etc. It was great seeing how Syaoran's magic has grown. It was sweet to see Toya, Yukito, Yue and Ruby all working together. I just hope there's at least one more volume. It doesn't feel finished. I really hope it's the last we see of the "other Alice" but I have a bad feeling about that.


414 reviews20 followers

March 25, 2024

Están dando vueltas a una trama sacada un poco de la manga, y que no despierta el interés para los lectores de siempre. Además de ser un poco confuso todo lo que está ocurriendo. No sé si acabo de entenderlo.

Podrían haber hecho un "años después", con pocos tomos y con un argumento más sencillo con los personajes que ya conocemos. Y no meter nuevos personajes que realmente no nos aportan nada interesante, por lo menos para mí. La trama nueva no me engancha.

Me da pena porque me encanta Sakura, pero a ver cómo terminan. Espero que no nos dejen un mal sabor de boca con los dos últimos tomos que quedan.


72 reviews

August 15, 2024

I am worried that it is only 2 volumes left. I have so many questions still. The power of the mother and brother haven't really been explored enough. Or its purpose atleast. I have some idea with the time halt but still so many questions. The Alice thing also needs to wrap up. And the purpose of Kaito's mission. Syaoran's mother also knows more it seems, what is that about? What about the books? All that in just 2 volumes? I am excited but worried. I hope this huge franchise deserves a non rushed end.



767 reviews26 followers

July 6, 2024

Si ce tome se révèle esthétiquement et graphiquement très bon, je sors de ma lecture avec un sentiment plutôt confus quant à l'histoire. J'avoue que je me suis retrouvée un peu perdue jusqu'à la fin, où si la lumière commence à apparaitre au bout du tunnel, je me pose encore la question du pourquoi?
J'espère que les prochains tomes feront la lumière sur tout ce qu'il s'est passé.
Mais les dessins sont très bons.


Leslie Carnahan

1,073 reviews12 followers

July 15, 2024

Wait wait wait ... Let me get this he changed time itself so they would be twins and so they wouldn't come after her? But to do so, he had to use a Card that Sakura made? But if they are now twins.... Is Sakura still the Master Of The Clow? I have to many questions... And for once, Im giving the series a lower star rating ONLY BECAUSE I felt like this part of the story was done WAY to quickly.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

Ali D

444 reviews2 followers

December 31, 2023

I can't believe how long it's taking this story to get to this point.

CLAMP really said we're taking scenic route, but well under the speed limit.

I can't wait for the day where my eyes never have to read the words Alice in Clockland ever again. Moments like these make me sad to be a completionist.

Santiago Bueno

563 reviews

February 17, 2024

A dos tomos del final, este tomo nos da una revelación importante, cual era el plan de Kaito. Es una vuelta bastante interesante de la historia, aunque no es tan sorprendente. Me gusta bastante esta historia y me pone un poco triste esta casi al final, pero estoy bastante emocionado por lo que se viene en la historia.


1,368 reviews13 followers

December 28, 2023

Why won't this series end???

Plus this was the most confusing play/dream sequence ever.

Although the twist at the end was cool. I imagine the next two (yes, TWO!!) volumes will go about undoing the new reality and putting everything back to normal.


121 reviews

April 2, 2024

Juste cette couverture mériterait un 5 étoiles 🌟 ! Par contre, j'ai pas tout compris dans ce tome, ils m'ont perdu en chemin ! Mais bon c'est quand même la série de mon enfance donc je m'accroche ! Et puis il reste plus que 2 tome donc bientôt la fin !



25 reviews3 followers

April 28, 2024

Honestamente, sentí que perdí el hilo de lo que sucedía por tantas cosas que estaban pasando y me seguía confundiendo mucho de la realidad con el sueño. Aunque por fin saber la razón de Kaito me dolió mucho 😓

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.


Kelsenator (formerly Kelsey's Cluttered Bookshelf)

187 reviews54 followers

June 18, 2024

Changed it from a 3 to a 2 after thinking about it a bit. I can understand wanting some things to be a mystery but I have no idea what even happened in this book. I reread sections and just not a clue.

    2024 graphic-novels-manga


166 reviews24 followers

July 30, 2024

I've always loved the series and the art style. (It was my entire childhood alongside Sailor Moon).
This volume is no exception, however I will say I'm finding the plot of the Clear Card arc a little confusing.



107 reviews3 followers

June 8, 2023

3/5 because it’s not as gay as the original but it’s still very cute and really interesting :)


77 reviews

November 15, 2023

Sakura ha madurado muchísimo, es increíble lo que está haciendo, es tremenda reina, ella solo quiere proteger a sus seres queridos!!

Lupita Miller

97 reviews

December 2, 2023

No se en que momento comencé y termine este tomo pero me gusto

Joana Bookneeders

751 reviews47 followers

December 13, 2023


M. Langlinais

Author15 books149 followers

December 18, 2023

A bit more cohesive and coherent than some previous volumes.

Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card Arc, Vol. 14 (2024)
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Author: Dan Stracke

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Name: Dan Stracke

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.