BYU-Pathway Worldwide: “A Monumental Moment in Church Education” (2025)

“BYU-Pathway Worldwide: ‘A Monumental Moment in Church Education’” Ensign, August 2019

For more than a century, hundreds of thousands of Church members have pursued higher education on the campuses of Church-sponsored colleges and universities. But for millions of other members, attending one of these universities—or any university, for that matter—feels like an impossibility. Tuition costs, competitive admission requirements, geographical distance, and a host of other obstacles discourage members from even applying. Given the Church’s doctrinal focus on education, these obstacles can leave members feeling discouraged and hopeless.

BYU-Pathway Worldwide was created with those members in mind. This new educational initiative—composed of the PathwayConnect program as well as online certificates and degrees offered in partnership with BYU-Idaho—allows members to pursue higher education wherever the Church is organized at a fraction of normal tuition costs. Last year alone, over 40,000 Church members in 100 countries participated.

Speaking to this tremendous growth, Elder JeffreyR. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles stated: “We’re part of a monumental moment in Church education in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This is one of those pivotal marks in our history that we won’t fully understand until we look back at it years and maybe decades from now.”1

The Pathway to Christlike Leadership

BYU-Pathway Worldwide’s mission is to develop disciples of Jesus Christ who are leaders in their homes, the Church, and their communities. It does this by helping students grow in their testimony, adopt practices of effective learning, and gain the skills and direction they need to lead and support their families.

This pursuit of education and self-reliance has always been an aspect of our discipleship. In 1833, the Lord revealed to Joseph Smith, “I, the Lord, am well pleased that there should be a school in Zion” (Doctrine and Covenants 97:3).

Elder KimB. Clark, Commissioner of the Church Educational System (2015–19), said: “Zion is everywhere the Lord has established His Church. Brothers and sisters, it is a miracle that we can say today that BYU-Pathway is a school in Zion, wherever Zion is.”2

Hyrum DeGering: Staying on course after a mission

BYU-Pathway Worldwide: “A Monumental Moment in Church Education” (1)


Hyrum DeGering

Like many returned missionaries, Hyrum found the transition from missionary life in Australia to his home life in Utah, USA, to be difficult. Mission life had given him structure and purpose and direction. But what was his purpose now?

BYU-Pathway Worldwide gave him the structure and purpose he was seeking. In his weekly gatherings in the PathwayConnect program, Hyrum felt motivated by the encouragement and perspectives of his fellow students. His assignments in his religion classes kept him reading the scriptures and seeking the Spirit each day. Other studies with BYU-Pathway helped him identify the career path he wanted to pursue.

“BYU-Pathway provides many resources that help returned missionaries continue their spiritual and temporal education,” Hyrum said. “Through PathwayConnect, they’ll be able to polish the skills they learned on their mission to help prepare themselves for their future.”

Hyrum completed PathwayConnect and is now enrolled in an online degree program. His goal is to earn the prerequisites to qualify for a radiology degree at another university.

“BYU-Pathway instigates that drive to progress and figure out what your next step is. It gives you a guide—a compass and a course—for where you want to go next in life.”

BYU-Pathway Worldwide pre-approves all young returning and recently returned missionaries for admission to PathwayConnect who meet the English language requirements. See details at

Ashley Ostheimer Hilliard: A single mom’s journey to support her family

BYU-Pathway Worldwide: “A Monumental Moment in Church Education” (2)


Ashley Ostheimer Hilliard

As a single mother of three children, Ashley desperately wanted to provide for her family. But educational opportunities in Montana, USA, where she lived seemed expensive and ill-suited to her busy life as a mom. Trusting in the Lord, Ashley prayed for guidance. A few months later her prayers were answered when she discovered PathwayConnect, a one-year online program that teaches students basic skills in how to succeed at home, at work, at church, and in school.

Through weekly gatherings with other students, coupled with her online coursework, Ashley learned how to be a better mother and developed a newfound love of the scriptures.

“I don’t think a change of heart happens only once or twice in our lives,” Ashley said. “It can happen over and over again. PathwayConnect taught me that. It changed my heart and helped me become more of the woman I’m meant to be.”

After PathwayConnect, Ashley earned a bachelor’s degree online through BYU-Pathway’s partnership with BYU-Idaho and is now enrolled in a master’s degree program in Montana. Ashley also recently remarried and was sealed to her husband.

“[My degree program] has been such a blessing for me, and more than simply academically. The same spirit I felt through my PathwayConnect courses continued in my upper-level courses as well.”

Michael Alves: Improving employment

BYU-Pathway Worldwide: “A Monumental Moment in Church Education” (3)


Michael Alves

For years, getting an education seemed impossible to Michael. He couldn’t afford to quit his job and enroll in school full-time. But after hearing about PathwayConnect, he realized his goal of becoming a software engineer was more attainable than he’d thought.

“I started PathwayConnect with a very limited knowledge of English,” Michael said. “Week after week, I gained the necessary confidence to keep moving forward and improve.”

After PathwayConnect, Michael started an online degree program in the technology field. As he began the first certificate of his degree program, he started networking and was offered a position he couldn’t pass up.

“It was the biggest opportunity of my life. After a while, they liked my work so much that they offered me a promotion.”

Because of his education through BYU-Pathway Worldwide, Michael was able to quadruple his income and get a job as a senior user-interface engineer in Brazil.

“Without knowing how to study, without English, I wouldn’t have gotten anywhere,” he said. “BYU-Pathway has given me everything I have.”

Carolina Galvis: Affordable education

BYU-Pathway Worldwide: “A Monumental Moment in Church Education” (4)


Carolina Galvis

Carolina grew up in Venezuela but at the young age of 11 moved to the United States. She dreamed of earning a degree and becoming a lawyer, but the burden of paying for school made her dream feel unobtainable.

“I had no money. I could not afford school. I felt I had no choice but to give up on my dream.”

Caught in a cycle of low wages and limited opportunities, Carolina struggled to find a stable job and make ends meet. When Carolina heard about BYU-Pathway Worldwide, she knew it was an answer to prayers.

After completing the one-year PathwayConnect program, she went on to earn a bachelor’s degree in business management. “Completing college always seemed impossible. But now I know that it is possible. I’m closer to my dream than I’ve ever been. Soon I’ll be able to serve people as their attorney and advocate.”

BYU-Pathway Worldwide: “A Monumental Moment in Church Education” (2025)


BYU-Pathway Worldwide: “A Monumental Moment in Church Education”? ›

Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles stated: “We're part of a monumental moment in Church education in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This is one of those pivotal marks in our history that we won't fully understand until we look back at it years and maybe decades from now.”

What is the purpose of BYU-Pathway Worldwide? ›

BYU-Pathway Worldwide improves lives through access to spiritually based, online affordable higher education. Its mission is to develop disciples of Jesus Christ who are leaders in their homes, the Church, and their communities.

Is BYU pathways a real degree? ›

BYU-Pathway Worldwide was created to serve online students. Degrees are awarded by BYU-Idaho and Ensign College, while BYU-Pathway provides the resources to help you succeed . BYU-Pathway Worldwide brings an innovative approach to education — one unique to the Church Educational System and to the world.

Is BYU-pathway worth it? ›

One of the benefits students say they receive the most is increased confidence. BYU-Pathway helps students build confidence by teaching core academic and life skills in a supportive environment.

Is the Byu-pathway certificate accredited? ›

While BYU-Pathway is not an accredited university, they provide unique services that streamline the online student user experience and enhance the quality and reach of the online offerings of CES institutions of higher education.

What GPA do you need for BYU-Pathway? ›

After the first six courses of your degree program (also known as PathwayConnect ), you will need to have fulfilled the following requirements:
  • Earn a cumulative minimum 3.0 GPA ("B") in your first three academic courses.
  • Meet with your local Church leaders for a worthiness interview to get an ecclesiastical endorsement.

What are the mission and aims of a BYU education? ›

A BYU education should be spiritually strengthening, intellectually enlarging, and character building, leading to lifelong learning and service.

Is BYU comparable to Harvard? ›

BYU comes in at No. 20 overall in the 2024 Best Colleges in America rankings from The Wall Street Journal and College Pulse , joining the likes of Princeton, MIT, Yale, Stanford and Harvard in the top 25.

Can I do BYU pathways if I already have a bachelor's degree? ›

Students who have already earned a bachelor's degree or higher at any other institution can pursue an additional degree through an online program. Typically, general education courses will be waived and only core courses and religion credits will be required.

Do you have to be LDS to do BYU pathways? ›

Can people who are not members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints participate? Yes, individuals of all faiths are welcome to enroll. Applicants who are not members of the Church will pay 25% higher tuition and must also meet all other admission requirements.

How long does it take to get a degree with the BYU-Pathway? ›

Through BYU-Pathway Worldwide, BYU-Idaho and Ensign College offer 90–96 credit degrees, allowing students to finish an online bachelor's degree in three years! The optimized degree program saves you time and money by eliminating elective credits.

What is the hardest class at BYU? ›

Among these challenging classes, Proctor explained that MATH 112, STAT 121, CHEM 105 and ECON 110 are “notorious for being really difficult,” and usually steers students away from taking those classes so early-on.

What are the disadvantages of BYU? ›

However, the city's higher cost of living, conservative culture, limited nightlife, and air quality issues may be drawbacks for some. As of 2022, 11,709 students applied to become BYU freshmen, and of those, only 66.2% were accepted.

Can I transfer from BYU pathways to BYU? ›

BYU-Pathway students may qualify for admission to BYU–Hawaii through the BYU–Hawaii/BYU-Pathway Partnership. BYU–Hawaii will accept transfer credits from BYU-Pathway Worldwide's PathwayConnect.

Can you use fafsa for BYU pathways? ›

For students in the United States, all degree programs serviced by BYU-Pathway are not eligible for U.S. federal loans or Pell Grants.

Is BYU-Pathway a college? ›

BYU–Pathway Worldwide (BYU–PW) is a higher education organization of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church). It was formed in 2017 and is responsible for online higher education within the Church Educational System.

What is the goal of guided pathways? ›

Guided Pathways, developed by researchers from the Community College Research Center in 2015, is a movement that seeks to streamline a student's journey through college by providing structured choice, revamped support, and clear learning outcomes—ultimately helping more students achieve their college completion goals.

What is the purpose of academic pathways? ›

A pathway is a collection of programs of study and support services that enable a student to satisfy graduation, transfer, and employment requirements as well as earn industry-recognized credentials. Pathways are organized based on areas of interest, similarities in coursework, and career paths.

What is the purpose of LDS trek? ›

Purpose. Develop gratitude for the pioneers and experience their faith and determination firsthand with a pioneer trek.

How many credits do you get from BYU-Pathway? ›

Through BYU-Pathway Worldwide, BYU-Idaho and Ensign College offer 90–96 credit degrees, allowing students to finish an online bachelor's degree in three years! The optimized degree program saves you time and money by eliminating elective credits.

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Name: Corie Satterfield

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.